Your support is essential and helps us to share Shoebury’s history with the local community and the wider world and to work towards our goal of creating an inspirational hub for heritage interpretation, community activity and local collaboration.
We rely on the work of volunteers and grants and donations to preserve the Shoebury Archives and to maintain and expand our heritage centre. There are many ways in which you can support this work.
Please consider donating. It is quick and easy. Visit Givey to give by debit or credit card or by Paypal or visit BOPP to give by bank transfer.
Give as you shop
You can also support us by signing up with one of our give-as-you-shop partners. When you sign up, shopping with your favourite online stores will generate donations to the Cart and Wagon Shed at no charge to you.
Buy exclusive Cart and Wagon Shed merchandise that promotes the history and community of Shoeburyness at our online store.
The Cart and Wagon Shed has no paid employees or directors. Volunteers are essential to delivering our objective of creating a vibrant heritage attraction and community space. Providing volunteering opportunities that bring together members of the community is itself part of that goal.
Volunteers take part in oversight and management of our operations, organisation of archive materials, design and development of displays, looking after room hires, accounting and administrative tasks, maintenance, cleaning and gardening.
We welcome new volunteers and expect that opportunities will increase as our heritage centre and room hire activities develop. If you are interested in joining our team, please get in touch using our online contact form.